Making a donation

We welcome and would appreciate your donation to the Australian Music Foundation.

Your donation will support young Australian musicians as they further their musical education overseas.

Your donation to the Australian Music Foundation is tax-deductible either in the UK or Australia.

By post

Please download the AMF donation form here and complete and return via email attachment or by post.

If you are a UK taxpayer and in a position to support the AMF further by adding Gift Aid to your donation, please tick the box on the form. We would be extremely grateful.

By cheque

Please make out a UK cheque to ‘The Australian Musical Foundation in London’ and post to:

Australian Music Foundation
Apartment 110
6 Riverlight Quay
United Kingdom

along with your completed donation form: click to download

By bank transfer

The AMF UK account details can be found on the donation form: click to download

If you would like to discuss a different way of helping the Australian Music Foundation such as sponsoring a Named Award, please see below for contact details.

Thank you for your generosity


Supporting Us: Major Awards and Sponsorship

The AMF is always pleased to hear from anyone who may be able to contribute towards a named award or by sponsoring an event. Tax-deductible gifts can currently be made in Australia or the UK.

Previous named awards have been sponsored by Sir Charles Mackerras, the Riddiford Trust, the Pitman Family, the Marjorie Kingston Trust, The Portland House Foundation, which sponsors The AMF Guy Parsons Award, Nora Goodridge OAM and The Australian Elizabethan Theatre Trust, which sponsors the AMF Yvonne Kenny Award and the AMF Overseas Study Award.

To discuss in more detail please contact:

Glenn Horder (UK or AUS)
+44 7906 391 930

Dene Olding AM (AUS)

Thank you to our donors and supporters

The work of the Australian Music Foundation would not be possible without the significant and ongoing contribution of our generous donors and sponsors.

We are also most grateful for the generous gifts and support-in-kind we receive from alumni, friends, supporters and partner organisations.

Each year several distinguished musicians give up their time and lend their expertise as judges in the first and second rounds of the awards process. Their support is invaluable to the continuation of the work of the AMF.