Emily Sun to play in the Tchaikovsky Great Hall, Moscow

Violinist, Emily Sun, winner of the 2015 AMF Nora Goodridge Emerging Artist Award, has been invited to play as soloist with the Moscovia Chamber Orchestra in the Tchaikovsky Great Hall in Moscow on 1 December. 

Emily Sun, born in Sydney, began playing the violin at the age of 4, studying with her late father Dr Daniel Yi Sun. She has won all major violin competitions in Australia including the National Youth Concerto Competition, and the ABC Young Performers Award, and is a regular soloist with the Sydney, Melbourne, Queensland, Tasmania and Canberra Symphony Orchestras. Emily is widely recognized in Australia following the release of the award-winning documentary 'Mrs Carey's Concert'. She is using the AMF Nora Goodridge Emerging Artist Award to support her final year in the Masters of Music degree at the Royal College of Music. Future engagements include soloist with the Moscovia Chamber Orchestra in Moscow, South Arizona Symphony in Phoenix USA and the premiere of the Kazemi Violin Concerto with the Light of Music Philharmonic Orchestra in Cadogan Hall next January. 


AMF Prize-Winners' Concert, Australia House, 25.11.15


Stephanie Jones to feature in Sunday in the Apartment 29.11.15