Emily Sun plays at National Gallery

The AMF were recently invited to provide young musicians for a special event at the National Gallery on 27 January, entitled 'Australia Late', in celebration of Australia Day and the current exhibition of 'Australia's Impressionists'.

AMF awardee, violinist Emily Sun, appeared in recital with her pianist Jennifer Hughes and played a programme of Schubert, Fritz Kreisler and Richard Strauss to a large and appreciative audience. They were the first musicians to use the beautiful new Blüthner piano, which was recently donated to the gallery.

Emily and Jennifer will also be appearing at Wigmore Hall on 13 February, where they will be playing the R. Strauss Violin Sonata in E flat major, Opus 18.


Emily Sun plays Double Violin Concerto with Maxim Vengerov at Buckingham Palace


Jesse Flowers purchases new instrument with AMF Guy Parsons Award