2019 Australia Day Gala with the Australia-UK Chamber of Commerce

The AMF was delighted to be invited to partner with the Australia-UK Chamber of Commerce for their Australia Day Gala at Simpson’s at the Savoy on the Strand on 29 January 2019. There were performances by AMF awardees violinist Emily Sun from Sydney (winner of the ABC Young Performer Award 2018), soprano Samantha Clarke from Perth and pianist David Soo from Clayton, Victoria (both studying at GSMD). Many thanks to all at the Australia-UK Chamber for this wonderful initiative in support of the AMF and for their generous donation.
Main Photo: L to R: Elizabeth Rossiter, accompanist, Emily Sun, AMF Chairman Yvonne Kenny AM, David Soo, Samantha Clarke. Thanks to Peter Livingstone Photography

Emily playing at Aus-UK Gala 29.01.19.jpg
Samantha at Simpsons.jpg
David Soo at Simpsons.jpg

Australia Day Gala at the Savoy

The performers with Dick Porter, Yvonne Kenny, Elizabeth Ames and Lord Broers


AMF Guy Parsons Awardee, euphonium player James Blackford, wins RNCM Concerto Prize


In Memoriam: AMF Life President, Guy Parsons OBE