Connor D'Netto, new composition premiered at Royal College of Music, April 2019

AMF alumnus, composer Connor D'Netto, recently collaborated with fellow RCM composer Matthew Lomax, the Central School of Ballet and chamber orchestra Cat’s Cradle Collective, in a multimedia ballet, presented as part of the Royal College of Music’s Great Exhibitionists series. Entitled 'non place', the concert-length work is abstractly based around the writings of French anthropologist Marc Auge, and brings together over 30 dancers, a new electroacoustic score for chamber orchestra, live electronics, and live visuals transforming footage from around London into an immersive projection display.

Connor (left) and Matthew are pictured with AMF Trustee, Dr Margaret Mayston AM, after the performance at the Britten Theatre, Royal College of Music, on 26 April.

Listen to a recording of Connor's Second String Quartet, which will be performed by the Australian String Quartet at the Australian Festival of Chamber Music, where Connor has been named Composer in Residence:…/string-quartet-no-2-in-e-minor-liv…


In Memoriam: AMF Life President, Guy Parsons OBE


Emily Sun wins Tagore Gold Medal and is selected for the Queen Elisabeth Violin Competition