In Memoriam - Sir John Tooley

AMF Chairman Yvonne Kenny AM writes:

“It is with great sadness that we mark the passing of AMF Life President Sir John Tooley on 18 March at the age of 95. I recall that Sir John ran the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, for 18 years from 1970 to 1988, as General Administrator and then General Director, which coincided with much of my time there as a resident soprano.  He was a wonderful General Director - a true gentleman who knew every single person in the ROH by name  -  and had the admiration and respect of us all.  He eventually became a Life President of the AMF, but was also an active Trustee and great friend of AMF Chairman Peter Andry.  Most importantly for AMF,  Peter Andry and Sir John were instrumental in enabling co-productions, shared between the AMF and the ROH, of big charity gala fundraisers. These were glittering occasions that took place on Sunday evenings at the ROH during the 1980’s, featuring Dame Joan Sutherland, Richard Bonynge and Sir Charles Mackerras leading a lineup of wonderful Australian artists. These galas established the AMF's endowment, which continues to support our work today. We will be forever grateful for this wonderful legacy.”


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