In Memoriam: Professor William Rodolph (Bill) Cornish CMG, QC, FBA. 1937 - 2022

It is with great sadness that we announce the death of our distinguished Honorary Trustee, Professor William Cornish.

A tribute from AMF President Lord Broers:
“I was shocked and deeply saddened to learn that Bill Cornish had passed away. His contributions to the University of Cambridge and to the legal profession made him a scholar of the highest international distinction and he was a delightfully kind and rational person. His view, especially on matters that were complicated and difficult, invariably helped in finding a positive way forward. All of this combined with his love of music and considerable talent as a musician meant that he was of immense value to the Australian Music Foundation and we sorely missed him when he stepped down as a Trustee several years ago. I join all the Trustees in sending my condolences to his wife Lovedy and family.

In Memory of Professor Bill Cornish from AMF trustee Dennis Muirhead


Bill Cornish and I have a long history. In 1960, he was my first Tutor at Adelaide University in a course on introduction to law. He also helped me on my way to a legal career, first in Adelaide, and then in London. 


Bill was musical, quick witted and with a mischievous sense of humour. He always had a twinkle in his eye! A colleague from Adelaide, Bruce Debelle AO QC, was in the very first Adelaide Law School revue which he said “was largely the result of the cleverness of Bill Cornish who wrote most of the scripts…….and put together all the music. It was stunningly clever.”


When I started practising law in London in 1960, Bill was also here, teaching at LSE and on occasions, we met socially. Our friendship was renewed in around 2010, when I was appointed a Trustee of the Australian Music Foundation (AMF). To my delight, Bill was an established and leading Trustee of the AMF, and we met up often. Bill was a joy to work with on the committee: he grasped issues quickly and had the intelligence and persuasive ability to find amicable resolutions.  


During this period, we forged a close friendship. A highlight for me was an invitation by Bill to dine at Magdalene College, in its beautiful candlelit Hall, and to stay at his home. I will always be deeply grateful to Bill, and his dear wife Lovedy, for their generosity and hospitality.  


I was very sad to see Bill’s health decline over recent years. I will always remember him as a close and steadfast friend who stood by me at all times. He is missed not only by me but also his many close friends and colleagues.


Dennis Muirhead FRSA


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