The AMF awards new prizes at the ABC Young Performers Awards in Sydney

The Trustees of the Australian Music Foundation would like to congratulate the Semi-Finalists and Finalists for the ABC Young Performers Awards 2022. This competition is the premier Australian national competition for instrumentalists with a long history of promoting the best in young Australian talent. As the basic aims of the Y.P.A and the AMF Australia are to assist and encourage the outstanding talents of the future, we had no hesitation in awarding some extra prize money to four of the top six contestants to assist them in some small way as they begin their artistic journeys.

These awards were made in recognition of those wonderful young musicians who may have not secured the top financial prizes on offer for the Y.P.A on this occasion, but whom we have no doubt will go on to very successful careers in the music industry. Our congratulations go to Jason Henery (Double Bass), Edward Walton (Violin), Yebin Yoo (Violin) and Tony Lee (Piano) for their Australian Music Foundation Awards.


November 2021 - Announcing the new AMF Awardees for 2021/22


8 September 2022 - The Board of Trustees pay tribute to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II