Administrator change

Our Administrator, Sally-Ann Shepherdson, is moving on after nine years at the Australian Music Foundation. She has done a wonderful job throughout this time, and on behalf of the Chairman and Trustees in the UK and Australia, we would like to wish Sally-Ann the very best of luck with her future endeavours and thank her sincerely for her years of service.

We also would like to take the opportunity to welcome Glenn Horder as our new Administrator. Glenn is an Australian living in London, with vast experience in the charity and events sectors, and we look forward to working with him to further the aims of the Foundation. Glenn will officially be taking over from the 18th March 2024. His email address is and you can also contact the office as usual via

(Sally-Ann will still be contactable for a few more weeks as she completes the handover to Glenn.)

Please get in touch if you have any queries or news you would like to pass on to us.


2024 AMF Classical Awards


Waynne Kwon (AMF Alumnus) joins London Philharmonic Orchestra as Sub-Principal Cello