AMF Supports Launch of new Creative Professionals Network

The AMF is proud to support the new Creative Professionals Network Australia, instigated by AMF alumna, soprano Samantha Crawford, and Emma Cullen of Cullen Wines. AMF Chairman, Yvonne Kenny AM, attended the launch at Australia House on Tuesday, 10 May, which included performances by Samantha, and fellow AMF alumna, soprano Sky Ingram.

The CPN Australia's mission is to 'connect young Australian and British people working in the arts, business, services and government agencies, to provide them with new experiences. We want to build friendships across these industries, offering professional development opportunities while they are living in the UK.’    

For more information and updates:

"AMF is proud to support this new joint initiative. We think it is a wonderful idea to start building connections with the next generation of potential music lovers. We wish Emma and Samantha a great success." Yvonne Kenny AM

Photograph by James Gifford Mead shows Yvonne Kenny AM, Emma Cullen, Samantha Crawford, Deborah and Andrew Todd (Deputy High Commissioner to the UK). 





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