AMF Awardee, violinist Emily Sun, wins Gold Medal at Royal Overseas League

The AMF is delighted to announce that current awardee Emily Sun has won the Gold Medal at the Grand Final of the Royal Overseas League Competition in London on 1 June, playing Debussy's Violin Sonata in G minor and Wieniawski's Fantasie Brilliant sur des motifs de l'opera Faust de Gounod.

Emily told AMF: "I am incredibly honored and thrilled to be awarded the Gold Medal and 1st Prize in the 2016 Royal OverSeas League Music Competition in the UK. This competition hails competitors from all Commonwealth countries and I am very excited to have represented Australia. This award is especially important to me as I am the only violinist to have won the Gold Medal since 1981. 

This could not have been possible without the support of the Australian Music Foundation who have sponsored me through years of study at the Royal College of Music in London. Without the help from this thriving foundation it would be impossible for young Australian musicians to pursue our careers abroad. I am eternally grateful for all the support I have received from Australia. "

The AMF is extremely proud of her achievement and wishes Emily every success in her career.

Watch videos of Emily performing on the AMF Current Awardees page .




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