VALE David Constable AM - January 2023

A few words from Dene Olding AM (Chair AMF Australia Foundation)

It is with great sadness that I must announce the death, last Thursday, of our long-serving Trustee, David Constable.

David was a personal friend to all of us, a man of great integrity and one who achieved so much of real value in his long and fruitful life. As a grand Patron of the Arts, countless artists and many important arts companies have benefitted from his generosity and tireless support.

Not only was he a Trustee of the Australian Music Foundation, he is remembered for his support and guidance to organisations such as Wigmore Hall, the Australian Opera, the Australian Chamber Orchestra, the Goldner String Quartet and the Music in the Hunter Festival.

A cultured and highly intelligent person, he was interested in all art forms but, from my own observations and from knowing him for almost 40 years, music was his greatest love.

His financial prowess as a stockbroker and investment fund manager are well-known, but he seemed to me happiest when he was listening to great music and cultivating his superb vineyard in the Hunter Valley. Here, his love of horticulture came to the fore, and I have many fond memories of sampling the fresh produce of his orchard or vegetable garden and, of course, fine Constable Estate wines.

He was a perfect example of what a modern day philanthropist should be, and his legacy in this regard is plain for all to see.

David retired as a Trustee of AMF Australia last year and we were delighted that his daughter, Sarah, has agreed to join our Board and to continue her father’s good works.

We extend our sincere condolences to his dear wife Ida, his children Joseph, Sarah, Julian and Virginia, and to the extended Constable family.

It seems we are losing too many people from this generation of remarkable individuals. From my perspective, many of this generation who were the most valuable were quiet achievers who did great things to benefit all of us, and did so with a minimum of fuss.


AMF Spring Showcase 9th March 2023


Results Of The 2022 AMF Awards