AMF Spring Showcase 9th March 2023

Thank you to everyone who attended the AMF Spring Showcase at the Australian High Commission on Thursday 9th March, and to all our wonderful awardees who performed so brilliantly: Waynne Kwon, cello; Katherine Allen, soprano; Robert Hao, piano; Shakira Tsindos, mezzo-soprano and James Blackford, euphonium.

We were delighted to be joined by our Guest of Honour, AMF Life President Maestro Richard Bonynge; and also His Excellency The Honourable Chris Dawson AC APM, Governor of Western Australia, and Mrs Dawson; John Langoulant AO, Agent General for Western Australia, and Richard Hains from the Portland House Foundation in Melbourne (major donors of the AMF Guy Parsons Award).

The event was hosted by Yvonne Kenny AM, Chair of the AMF UK, and the evening began with a sparkling wine reception, followed by the concert and drinks and canapés in the magnificent Exhibition Hall.

We are very grateful to the staff at the Australian High Commission for their help and assistance.

Photos by Jari Laakso

AMF UK Chair Yvonne Kenny with John Langoulant AO (Agent General for Western Australia) and The Honourable Chris Dawson AC APM (Governor of Western Australia) and Mrs Dawson.

Robert Hao plays at the Exhibition Hall at Australia House

Maestro Richard Bonynge with AMF Awardees Waynne Kwon, James Blackford, Robert Hao, Shakira Tsindos and Katherine Allen

Katherine Allen and Shakira Tsindos sing the Flower Duet from Lakmé

James Blackford, euphonium, playing in the Exhibition Hall at Australia House, accompanied by Elizabeth Rossiter


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